Blended family advice: Christmas, covid, and conflict
Holidays are stressful enough! Throw in the blended family dynamic and a global pandemic and it can be pure pandemonium. Blended family expert and founder of Blended and Black, Coach Naja shares some tips on how to stay sane during this holiday season.
Can battling infertility cause post traumatic stress disorder?

by Nika Ward Did you know that June is World Infertility Month? If you’re a woman that has experienced infertility, you’re already are aware. Did you know that infertility is a condition that can cause post-traumatic stress disorder? After watching a recent Insecure episode, it really hit me how quiet the infertility community is about […]
White Supremacy is on life support

As a Black kid that grew up right under Tennessee’s Bible belt, there was an assumption that people that looked like me were not God’s chosen people. I was baptized under a beautiful stained-glass image of a White Jesus. Black babydolls were not very plentiful in the 80s, so my first images of beauty were […]
Episode 38: What Can White People Do To Support Black Lives Matter

I’ve recently taken on an interesting challenge proposed to me by my White listeners, followers, friends, colleagues, and clients. I want to TRY to respond to the DMs, emails, and messages from White people that care enough to NOT want to err on the side of injustice. I pride myself on maintaining a diverse audience […]
Corona and CoParenting: How to navigate shared custody during a pandemic

Corona and Coparenting I’ve received many questions from single parents, coparents, and stepparents during this historic pandemic and my BEST piece of advice is to protect your household. Social distancing and quarantines are proven to be effective methods of limiting the spread of infectious disease BUT what do you do when your child lives in […]
A COVID-19 note from Naja Hall+ Team B&B

HOW CAN WE BEST SERVE YOU DURING THIS TIME? A week ago none of us used the term social distancing, but this is our current reality. COVID-19 is taking its toll on our nation, our families, and our individual lives and I’d like to do my part to make this season a little less stressful […]
50/50 Parenting Report Card is here! My State got an F!

Fall 2019 Founder, Blended and Black, Naja Hall attended the press conference for the National Parents Organization. NPO presented their Shared Parenting Report Card. They also screened the Erasing Family Documentary by Ginger Gentile. New York City and Rhode Island got a big fat F. What is your state’s grade? A study just published […]
How To Love Stepkids with a High Conflict Biological Mother

As with fairy tales, the stepmother is generally deemed as evil; Lady Tremaine in ‘Cinderella,’ The Queen in ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,’ Mother Gothel in ‘Repunzel,’ and last, but certainly not least, Maleficent. These scorned women often live in the shadows of a beautiful princess who sings with a voice so beautiful, forest […]
My teenager wants an Instagram account, Here’s my response

I recently allowed my daughter, Kelcie to take over my Facebook page. As the precocious person that she’s been since birth, Kelcie presented her carefully curated argument as to why she should have an Instagram account. As a High School Assistant Principal, I have a uniquie vantage point of understanding the effects of social media […]
Couple Shares Marriage Lessons After Leaving Divorce Court

Hannah and Fard have ended their time as life partners and they’ve penned an excerpt that has the internet abuzz. In this day in age, especially considering the work I do, seeing new divorcees breaking bread is RARE. Here are 5 lessons learned in hindsight from Hannah and Fard. We wish their family love and […]
Podcast 012: I finally created a STEPMOM ONLY Community

I realized that many of fellow StepSistas (stepmoms+sisterfriends) listen to my podcast because of my approach to stepmomming. After careful thought, planning and execution, I created a space just for us. It’s a site where I am pouring all of my stepmom tools, resources and content in one private community. There’s a discussion forum where […]
PODCAST 011: WTF is Borderline Personality Disorder?
I recently chatted with my friend Brian Barnett. He is not only an expert on Borderline Personality Disorder, he’s actually rid himself of the terrible disorder that plagues 4% of Americans. This podcast takes an in-depth look at BPD and the people that it affects. Brian is proof that there is hope beyond borderline. FROM […]
Happy Stepmother’s Day (Yes, it’s a REAL thing!

In 2000, 9-year old Lizzie Capuzzi decided that she wanted to celebrate her stepmother, Joyce and felt this should be done on the Sunday following Mother’s day. Lizzie decided to take her celebration a step further by reaching out to U.S. Representative Rick Santorum. On July 11, 2000, it was published in Congressional Record No. […]
Podcast 010: How To Cope When Your Child Is Turned Against You with Erasing Family
This week I am chatting with the founder of Erasing Family, Ginger Gentile. According to, in the US alone, over 22 MILLION PARENTS are being erased from their children’s lives after divorce and separation. Ginger offers tips on how to cope as an erased family member and how to handle your child when they […]
PODCAST 009: 14 Signs You Are Jealous of Your Best Friend
via GIPHY The Brady Bunch is arguably the most well-known blended family sitcoms in pop culture. The feature film version of the show satirized the original characters in a with a modern twist. One of the most memorable scenes was little sister Jan’s frustration with the favoritism of her big sister, Marcia. From the expression […]
PODCAST 008: Naja chats with media-maven Demetria L. Lucas
In this episode of I Know I’m Crazy with Naja Hall, I chat with pop-culture maven, Demetria L. Lucas on divorce, pop culture and current events. We had such a fun girl-chat and the tea was HOTTTTT! ABOUT OUR GUEST DEMETRIA L. LUCAS: Dubbed “the Black Carrie Bradshaw” by The Washington Post, Demetria L. […]
How I Became a Successful Life Coach
There are Life Coaches that are far more well-known than me, so I am always pleased when someone asks me for advice on building their coaching business. I’ve worked very hard at building a brand that speaks to the masses. I have a support team that has my back. I’ve also developed some deep […]
Podcast 007: How to heal from physical and emotional abuse
In this episode of I Know I’m Crazy with Naja Hall, I chat with Psychotherapist and abuse survivor, Anita Bentata. She hails from Australia and she shares her own experiences with abuse and how she has turned her life experiences into a life-changing platform. ABOUT OUR GUEST ANITA BENTATA: Anita Bentata transforms the uncomfortable into living […]
My 1st Personal Blog entry, my friend Winnie
I rarely share deeply personal parts of my life at Blended and Black so I started a section called Naja’s Personal Blog. There is no experience so deeply profound currently, than the life of my friend, Winnie. We memorialized my friend Winnie Burch yesterday. When her daughter Alexcia asked me to speak at the memorial […]
Podcast 006 Toxic motherhood is a VERY real thing!
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or Google Play In this episode of I Know I’m Crazy with Naja Hall, I chat with Jennifer Arnise. Our conversation was uncomfortably too real at times because we are discussing a tough topic, Toxic Mothers! Jen gives personal and professional insights on how to deal with a toxic mom. […]
Podcast 005 Advice from Veteran Stepmom Brenda Ockun
OMG, I’m so excited to share my chat with Brenda Ockun, the publisher of Stepmom Magazine. *Shameless plug, I am April’s Stepmom Magazine covergirl. Be sure to grab a copy! (As a bonus, be sure to listen to my Affirmations for Stressed-Out Stepmoms) Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or Google Play In this episode of […]
PODCAST 004: Affirmations to Help Stepmom Stay Sane

Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or Google Play In this episode of I Know I’m Crazy with Naja Hall, I am sharing my very own stepmom affirmations. I know how weird stepmom life can feel and sometimes you need a quick reminder of how strong you really are. If you are mothering another […]
What if Nipsey Hussle was killed because he hurt someone’s feelings?
The recent shooting death of rapper Nipsey Hussle has rocked music lovers everywhere. The conspiracy theorists are running rampant and speculation over who murdered the 33-year-old rapper has caused much raucous online. While most “aware” people can recognize that the government has colluded with citizens in order to execute noisemakers, Nipsey’s death could very well […]
Blended and Black Founder, Naja Hall is a COVERGIRL! Stepmom Magazine
Great news Fam! Our founder, Naja Hall landed her very 1st magazine cover with Stepmom Magazine! Check out her article HERE. I’ve been reading Stepmom Magazine since before I officially became a Stepmom, so it’s definitely a full-circle moment to be featured by the women whom I go to for help. This is a really, […]
003 PODCAST: You’re probably ADDICTED to DRAMA with
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or Google Play In this episode of I Know I’m Crazy with Naja Hall, I chat with Addiction Treatment Specialist, Chris Wilkins. I was instantly drawn to his work because many of us are consumed by conflict and he is the perfect person to teach us about letting go […]
PODCAST: How to handle a HIGH CONFLICT Ex with finesse
I couldn’t wait until the premiere date next week to share something on the *first season of I Know I’m Crazy! The IKIC podcast line up is AMAZING!!! This is not an official podcast for IKIC but it gives you an up close and personal view of me! If you scroll down, there’s also video […]
Naja Hall’s new podcast, ‘I Know I’m CRAZY’ is making waves
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE From the B&B Team We are so excited to announce the arrival of Naja Hall’s highly anticipated *new blended family podcast, I Know I’m CRAZY. I know I’m Crazy podcast focuses on divorce, coparenting, steparenting, childhood trauma and emotional wellness by putting a light-hearted spin on very serious topics. As a well-known […]
How I Saved My Marriage
Originally published by Richard Paul Evans My oldest daughter, Jenna, recently said to me, “My greatest fear as a child was that you and mom would get divorced. Then, when I was twelve, I decided that you fought so much that maybe it would be better if you did.” Then she added with a smile. […]
Surviving The Holidays When You Cannot See Your Kids
by Stephanie Waldon Dear Alienated Parent, For most parents, the holidays are a time of joyful celebrations filled with family outings, special meals, and enjoying the simple pleasures that come with togetherness. For others…not so much. There is a unique kind of mourning alienated parents must endure: mourning the loss of children who are still […]
Stepmom Advice: Biomom Keeps Blocking Me and I’m Not Sure What To Do
Hi Naja! I’ve followed you for a while now and really appreciate the advice you provide. I’m looking for a little advice for my situation. What do you suggest stepmoms do when the biomom is hot and cold? She wants to be “friends” one minute and then blocks you the next! At this point should […]
50 Signs You’re in Love With a Narcissist
Ultimately you were never loved you were used, abused and manipulated. You loved a facade that didn’t exist, you became addicted … you should run away before it’s too late.
How to Co-Parent After Divorce and Infidelity
How do we forgive the unforgivable? How do we renew a relationship that has been broken beyond repair? You may have heard that forgiveness is not for the offender, but for the offended, and to some degree this is true. It is certainly good for both, but we need to understand that accountability and acceptance […]
How To Tell Your Stepchildren You’re Pregnant!
When my husband and I added the twins to our blended family of four boys, the timing wasn’t the best. My husband and I hadn’t been public about our relationship for too long. His three children didn’t have much time to grasp the idea of a new person in their father’s life because his ex-wife […]
Divorce: What It Feels Like To Mourn My Father In Life and In Death
I’m a man’s man. I love sports, so much so that I’ve made a career of talking about sports. I’ve been in the Blended and Black Facebook Group since it started and it’s been a good while since I’ve even commented on a post, mainly because I stay in my lane, unless it’s about sports. But […]
Client Session: My 10-Year Old Stepdaughter is Ruining My Marriage
My Client has watched helplessly as her 10-year old custodial stepdaughter has transformed from loving to tough-to-love in less than a year. Stepdaughter returns from weekend visits with her biological mother acting unruly and disrespectful. The biological mother has just re-entered the child’s life after an ‘illness’ and I suspect this is the root cause […]
10 Questions To Ask Before Marriage
Marriage is serious business. But with the divorce rate at 50%, it’s smart to do your research before leaping into a situation that was doomed from the start. We all ask surface questions, but here are a few that go deeper. There are a few helpful links below: ➡️10 Questions to Ask: ➡️For more […]
Matt Barnes Awarded SOLE Custody of Twins With Gloria Govan
We all saw it coming #Fam! There has finally been a judgment in the Matt Barnes and Gloria Govan saga. The divorcees have had a very messy public battle as they’ve unraveled their marriage in majorly terrible ways. Since their split, the former lovebirds have physically and emotionally tussled over everything from custody to embezzlement allegations. Today, […]
How I Survived Being Raised By a Narcissistic Mother
This is the story of my childhood and how I survived. Growing up with my mom was interesting, to put it lightly. She was never really outright abusive to me or my sister, but there were other things that she did or lack thereof, that really hurt me. Maybe it was the fact that she […]
I Was Raped 96 Times By the Same Man
I’ve been a Blended & Black member since it 1st started and I have seen many women share their stories of incest, molestation and rape. I have never wanted to talk about my rape until now. For so many years, I was embarrassed by the fact that I was raped 96 times over the course […]
I interviewed The Deadbeat Hunter! Child Support Recovery
The Blended & Black Facebook live Series kicked off last night. Our inaugural interview was with Simone Spence, The Deadbeat Hunter. Simone has been an active member of the group and she’s made her feelings about parents that skip out on Child Support known. She does not like them very much! This video is packed […]
Steve Harvey’s Ex Wife is Coming For Him….AGAIN
The ex Wife of Steve Harvey, Mary Harvey is at it again. We all remember her from her publicity rounds back in 2005 after their messy divorce. She went on a smear campaign against her Ex Husband. She claims Steve cheated on her with his current Wife, Marjorie and that she is the reason for […]
PODCAST: Founder Naja Hall’s iHeartRadio Interview!
I’m so excited to announce a cool opportunity that I had last week. The nice folks at iHeartRadio got word of all of the positive things we’re doing here at B&B and they reached out to me for an interview. I’ve shared it on Youtube and Soundcloud so be sure to watch and or/listen! It’s […]
#AskDad: My Teenage Daughter Ignores my New Wife
Dear AskDad, I just got married 6 months ago and my teenage daughter refuse to talk to my wife. She will not say hi, bye, good morning etc. Everything was fine until we got married. Clearly this is putting a strain on our relationship. There are no other kids and we have no plans on […]
I’m Over the Drama: A Happy Mom’s note
I get A LOT of inspiration from the Blended & Black Facebook group. Yesterday someone posted this picture on the group’s wall. We see the child surrounded and supported by ALL of her parents. These folk seem to have gotten it right. I know there are many people that have a strong desire for this […]
Why Cleveland Killer Steven Stephens Affects ALL of Us
UPDATE: Stephens has committed suicide. His body was found at 10am EST April 18. Mental illness is REAL and should not be ignored. The smallest cries for help could be the forewarning of terror and debauchery. While we cannot charge the loved ones of Steve Stephens, should we can hold them accountable? Do we hold our […]
Can My Boyfriend Claim My Child on His Taxes
Short answer: No. Do not let your boyfriend claim your child that is not his for the Earned Income Tax Credit. Long answer: Noooooooooooooo! Sorry about the bad joke. But really, no he can’t and here’s why: First, and most importantly, it’s against the law. Seriously – claiming a child that you don’t have a […]
Can I Divorce My Spouse Who Has Mental Illness
This question raises several issues. The most important one may be the definition of mental illness. It is very normal for divorce to elicit strong feelings, often negative ones—and for these feelings to change from sadness to anger, guilt, or shame. It is often typical for divorcing partners to label each other as “bi-polar” as […]
When Your Spouse Has a Mental Illness

Alma’s speech became stilted, and her eyes brimmed with tears as she shared the moment she knew her marriage was over. It was not a matter of infidelity, immorality, or a lack of love that ended her marriage of three years. In fact, she and her husband deeply loved each other—but his manic episodes had […]
PODCAST: I Cyber Bullied My Husband’s Mistress and Went to JAIL
LISTEN NOW: Soundcloud or Youtube What happens when you find out your Husband is cheating? Well this week’s guest, Sassi, took it upon herself to seek out the mistress, post her picture and phone number on Craigslist! This week’s podcast was informative, funny, heartbreaking and then funny again! This week’s guest, Blended and Black member, Sassi […]
Namaste and F*ck You: When Your Man Abandons His Children
Namaste simply means “The divine in me bows to the divine in you.” “Namaste creates a loop of bliss to pass positive energy unto the one receiving the gesture.” Heart centers and chakras are said to connect during the divine saying. “When your mind is fully withdrawn in super-consciousness, it becomes centered in the bliss […]
Can’t We ALL Just Get Along: New Wife vs. Ex Wife
Today I talked with Blended and Black member, Antoinette. Together she and her Husband have blended clan of 8 children! Yup 8 kids! Her Husband has 4 from a previous marriage. Antoinette has 3. And together they have 1. Antoinette shares anecdotes about how to support a Spouse that share’s kids with a high-conflict ex. […]
Disrespectful Stepkids and How to Handle Them
Are you dealing with disrespectful stepkids? Why would they be disrespectful? Like it or not, phrases like, “You’re not my Mom!” may be thrown around in times of disobedience and defiance. As a pruned at this very moment to defy my Husband and I every chance they get. They are being severely alienated and have […]
Why You Should Get On Your Ex Wife’s Good Side
HEAR ME OUT BEFORE I GET AN #EyeRoll! Today, let’s TRY a little tenderness! If you’re in a high conflict co-parenting situation, the last thing you may want to do is send niceties to the ONE person who’s mission is to make your life a living hell. I want to nudge you to try something […]
What Happens When Children of DIVORCE Grow Up
There are many adults whom hate their fathers. You may not respect his new Wife, you do not speak to your half-siblings- yet your Mother can do no wrong. There are many adults who’s dear Mother alienated them and they do not even know it. She manipulated your young mind because she was in pain. […]
Tax Season For Blended Families: Do I File With My Spouse If They Owe?
Married Filing Separately If you are married, you and your spouse can choose whether to file separate tax returns or whether to file a joint tax return together. Filing jointly usually gets you a bigger refund or a lower tax bill, and most married couples file joint returns, but there are some cases where it […]
The Breakup Breakdown: How to GRACEFULLY Go From TAKEN To Single
When I came across this clip, I immediately thought of every woman I know! I thought about the countless times I’ve had to either seek counsel or give counsel because some boy caused pain. I wrote this article with our girlfriends and sisters in mind! We have all had those moments when we’ve wanted to […]
How To COPE When Your EX Moves On
The most unfortunate time in a relationship is when you realize it has reached its climax. The best times have passed and it’s all downhill from here. Many of us will fight tooth and nail to salvage love, but sadly when our efforts are in vain we must begin the process of learning to live […]
Angry Wife Blasts Cheating Husband’s Mistress on Facebook
By Naja Hall I normally rest up on Saturday mornings, but this tea is far too juicy not to share! I came across this post in my Facebook news feed and I am not sure what’s more interesting, the scorned wife’s note or the comments section! I was thoroughly entertained by both, and from the […]
Should You Stay Facebook Friends With Your Ex’s Family?
Back in the good old days when all we had were pagers — scratch that, let’s go even further. Back in the good old days when all we had were answering machines and a mailbox, breaking up was much easier to do. All you had to do was stop sending mail and calling each other. […]
Letter to My Daughter’s Stepmum: A Message to Ex-Husband’s New Wife
In a blog post that soon went viral, Candice Curry, 39, wrote ‘you were supposed to be hideous, remember? But you weren’t, you were stunningly beautiful’ Happy family: Candice Curry, left, and her daughter Stiles with stepmum Ashley Parish Many mothers dread the idea of another woman raising their child, but one has decided to […]
10 Things A Stepmom Would Never Tell A Birthmom (But Should)
I’m a stepmom. I’ve written about it before but I consider being a stepmom one of the luckiest things that has ever happened to me. Some of you other stepmoms out there aren’t so lucky, and for whatever reasons you have bio-moms who you just can’t get along with, and who just can’t get along […]
When Ex-Wives Become Alienators
After reading the list, don’t get discouraged when you notice that some of your own behaviors have been alienating your ex-spouse. This is normal in even the best of parents. Instead, let the list help sensitize you to how you are behaving and what you are saying to your children. Here are common mistakes: To […]
When a Man Has To Grieve Living Children – Parental Alienation Exposed
Submitted by a member of the Blended and Black community Have you ever found yourself saying, “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost a limb!”? Usually thoughts like this pass when we see a debilitated person. Some attempt to empathize, we may thank our Creator for sparing us the horrid experience, some of […]
A NEW Approach For Dealing With Hostile Bio Moms
When the bio-mom makes it clear she isn’t interested in getting along with us, it’s time for a new strategy. The following is a revised compilation of several earlier posts to sum up a new outlook for this enraging and painful situation. A new approach to dealing with the biological mother of your stepkids when […]
Drama & Dating a Divorced Parent
By Lisa Cohn indy Copeland of Keene, NH, had just begun dating Wayne, a divorced dad, when she received a phone call she definitely didn’t expect: from Wayne’s ex-wife, who wanted to meet up. Wary, Cindy acquiesced but soon regretted it, as she sat there listening to the ex rant about how she and Wayne […]
My Stepson Lives With Us But Refuses To Talk To Me
I’m always gushing about how much I love the Blended and Black Facebook Support Group. Today a concerned Stepmom posted a question and a gentleman, Ron Blake (who is a Stepson and now a Stepdad), was able to give her and many other women some priceless advice. -Naja Hall, Founder STEPMOM: Why is it SO […]
How to Co-Parent With Your Child’s Stepmother
You may think, at first pass, that co-parenting with your child’s stepmother is unreasonable. If you think about it, we get to know our children’s teachers, doctors, daycare providers, their friend’s and their parents, and anyone else involved with our children. Why wouldn’t you want to get to know the other mother in your child’s […]
How to Cope With Feeling Worthless After Infidelity
When I coach women that have experienced infidelity, there are many variables to each individual circumstance; however, there is a glaring commonality among every woman. After they have gone through the process of grieving their mate’s indiscretion, some begin their personal journey towards forgiving their mate. They vow to put the past in the past […]
How to Bond With Step Children During Short Visits
Forming a bond with step children can be tough but being a stepparent is a role that over 50 million Americans will experience at some point in their lives. Most start their journey filled with hope and excitement. For some individuals, the feelings of anxiety and inadequacy soon set in and the role becomes obligatory […]
Did Having Too Many Kids Derail Nivea’s Music Career?
Babies are a blessing but there is a such thing as TOO many kids. Singer Nivea shares an intimate look on motherhood and what she sacrificed to stay at home with her kids. She has 4 kids with 2 famous rappers so she was not hard up for money, but her energy was depleted. The […]
Mashonda Gets REAL About Her Messy Divorce, Forgiving Alicia Keys and MORE…
I recently sat down with Mashonda, author of Blend. The ex-wife of music producer Swizz Beats discusses healing from her messy divorce, forgiving Alicia Keys and putting her son first. In her new book, Blend, she offers tips for mothers that need healing from breakup and divorce. She also details her unique childhood experience in […]
#AskDad: MIL Prefers My Husband’s Ex Over Me
Dear Ask Dad, I don’t know what to do. My MIL is still stuck on my husband’s BM (they were never married). When I’m around she acts like I’m not even there, I ask her to lunch and coffee and she is always too busy, but has time for the other woman. I get her […]
Ep 4: Off The Clock-Arizona Reps SAVAGE Siblings Endorse Opponent
Watch on our new series Off The Clock 3 ways: Youtube Playlist Facebook IGTV (from your phone)
Ep 3: Off The Clock- Webbie Catches His Teen Son With His Pants Down!
Rapper and father, Webbie had a rough night with his teenage sons. He decided to take his grievance to instagram live and the world tuned in! The problem arose because there is conflict on whether or not he should have shared this private family matter publicly. Was he out of order? Watch on our new […]
Ep. 2: Off The Clock – Housewife Gizelle Bryant’s “Odd” Co-Parenting Relationship
Pastor Dr. Jamal Bryant (exhusband of Real Housewive’s star Gizelle Bryant) chats about his unique coparenting style. While he claims he has no desire to reconcile, he does continue to ‘date’ his ex. Weird or right? Watch on our new series Off The Clock 3 ways: Youtube Playlist Facebook IGTV (from your phone)
Ep 1: Off the Clock – Tamar Braxton Has A New Man!
Tamar Braxton recently gushed about her 3-month love affair with her brand new African prince. She and her estranged husband, Vince have yet to finalize their divorce. Is Tamar committing infidelity or is she free to date since the papers are on the table? I’d love to know your opinion! Watch on our new series Off […]
10 Types of Toxic Dads and How To Survive Them
Father’s are supposed to protect their little ones from all the scary, physical and emotional dangers of the world. So what’s a mom to do when the man she created a new life with turns out to be the first person who breaks her child’s heart? With so many shining examples of great fathers everywhere […]
Bitter or Exhausted? The Thin Line Between Fed Up and Bitter “Baby Mamma”
Too often women are saddled down with labels. We are constantly forced into a box of good, bad, worthy, unworthy and more. Women are seen as a second-class citizens in society and when it comes to parenting, there is no difference. We often hear men speak on their bitter baby mommas. She doesn’t want […]
How To Ease Long Distance Co-Parenting Conflict
Blended and Black’s, Naja Hall sat down with Skyra Thomas, founder of Flip the Zip, a community that connects people looking to relocate. The ladies discussed moving with kids, a touchy topic that many step families will face at some point. Skyra has a positive long distance co-parenting relationship with her son’s father and she […]
How My Parents’ Divorce Prepared Me for Mine
I said I would never divorce. I am the child of divorced parents, and I had no intentions of putting my children through that experience. “Life,” however, had other plans and I find myself in the midst of separation. This set of circumstances forces me to examine my past experience in hopes to prepare both […]
3 Ways to Survive Marital Separation
Separation from your lifetime partner can be a heart wrenching affair. It is a death that we do not always prepare for and often don’t expect. Most of us see hard times and arguments and are aware of the work it takes to hold a marriage together, but what do you do when it falls […]
EXCLUSIVE: The Single Mom Behind the ‘Homeless to Harvard’ Teen Phenom
By now, we’ve all heard about Richard “Tre” Jenkins, the teen that went from homeless to Harvard. He has been featured on CNN , The Root, Ebony, The New York Post and countless other news outlets. When CNN asked his mom, Quiana, if she was surprised, she said, “No, I always knew he would get in […]
#AskDad: Daughter Loves Stepmom But Hates Her Mom
Dear Ask Dad, As a man I have never written in to one of these columns, but I don’t know what to do. My daughter is 15 years old and she is a fantastic young lady. She is an honor student, captain of her basketball team and she volunteers as well. My issue is with […]
A Lovenote To The Childless Stepmom
A childless stepmom may feel Isolated. Humiliated. Underestimated. These are probably the most common sentiments of stepmothers who do not have biological children. She feels isolated because stepmothering can be an overwhelmingly lonely gig. This woman may feel like a stranger in her own home because she is the last person to join a ready-made […]
How to Kick Your Husband’s Ex-Wife Out Of Your Marriage
Stepmom! Hey girl hey! Here’s a bit of advice that I almost learned TOO LATE! I know it sucks to see your partner deal with conflict from his coparent. As his Wonder Woman, it is natural to want to swoop in and save the day. 🛑Stop🛑 I want you to switch gears and work your […]
Exploring the Fragile Relationship Between Stepmothers and Stepdaughters
Stepmothers and their stepdaughters can be faced with unique challenges. There is an interesting dynamic that happens when a woman is tasked with “mothering” a child that she did not bear. In the case of the stepmother, this new ‘mother-daughter’ dynamic can exist because of divorce. In some instances, a biological mother is disinterested or unable […]
PODCAST: How Naja Hall became the ‘Queen of Conflict Resolution’
I have not spent much time contributing to the B&B podcast, but I have been lucky enough to be featured on the work of others. Most recently, I sat down with Chicago-based Family Law Attorney, Andrea Harvey for her show Harvey Law Speaks. Check out the clip below! We discuss how I got dubbed, The […]
#AskDad: My Ex Always Criticizes What I Feed Our Kid!
Dear Ask Dad, my ex-husband is a nutritionist; he is a holistic nutritionist at that. He insists that I feed our son according to his standard and has no care for how I want to do it. He insists that I don’t know anything about food and he presumes that I give our child candy […]
Lettuce Pray! By Popular Demand: Prayer Call
Join the call: Thursday August 9th 8:00-8:30p Eastern Call in number: (712) 770-4010 Access Code: 605465# I’ve not appealed to God as much as I have since becoming a Wife and a Stepmom. These roles are ones that will test your endurance and exhaust your faith. Aside from sustaining my physical and mental viability, I PRAY, but […]
Study a Person’s Ingredients Before You Feed Them to Your Soul
Yesterday, I sat down with Dr. Jenelle Kariotis of Big Change of Heart, a platform that focuses on individuals, couples, and families in nontraditional relationships. Our chat was centered around parental alienation, conflict and MOST importantly the misdirected anger toward stepparents. As the “new kid on the block” a stepparent is often met with mistrust and […]
#AskDad: Spoiled Stepdaughter Spoiling My Marriage
Dear AskDad, I’m at odds. My step-daughter has no manners and her father won’t discipline her at all. He is so hard on our son but such a softie with that girl. She is spoiled beyond belief and has him wrapped around her little finger, anything she want he does, and he sees no problem […]
#AskDad: Should I Break Off My Engagement?
Dear AskDad, I’m a single mom and I’ve been dating this man for 3 years. The entire time he has had nothing to do with his own two kids and has shown no interest in wanted to be a partner in raising my son. He says he loves kids but I don’t see it. He […]
When Your Husband’s Ex-Wife Has Borderline Personality Disorder
THE GOOD WIFE Who’s helping You, when his Ex is a Borderline? Whether it’s your husband or lover who has gotten involved with a borderline disordered female, you’re in for some harrowing times. This issue becomes a monumentally stressful exercise for both of you–but sadly, you’ll generally end up feeling the brunt of it, not […]
#AskDad: Our ‘Crazy’ is Driving Me Insane and Ruining My Marriage!
My husband has a HCBM (high conflict biomom) that is out of control. She continues to call and harass us at all hours of the day and night. She has no respect for anyone but herself (if even that). She doesn’t comply with any visitation orders, she is consistently late and she does everything in her […]
85 Kid Friendly TV Shows and Movies for Summer ’18
My bonus babies and I have been enjoying quite an active summer! We’ve been venturing around New York City and taking in all that the Big Apple has to offer! But in our downtime, we’ve managed to catch up on a few fun TV programs. If you’re in need of ideas, #TheFam came through with […]
Co-Parenting: Let’s Talk About Summer Vacation
Either the kids are going or coming for the summer and shifting households can be a stressful and exciting time for everyone. If the kids are leaving, some custodial parents may suffer separation anxiety, while others may take advantage of a kid-free zone! If the kids are going to be with their noncustodial parent, then […]
How to Survive the Transition from Parent to Stepparent
Are you a biological parent that is about to become a stepparent? Perhaps you are a step parent that is about to become a new biological parent. Be forewarned, you and your family are about to undergo some serious changes. You can expect some discomfort and frustration, however it’s not all bad. In fact, the […]
How to Solve the Three Most Common Conflicts in Blended Families
Being in a blended family presents a totally different set of challenges than a traditional family. Aside from logistics and finances, there are usually emotional issues to overcome. Blended families are formed because a previous family unit has broken apart. Divorce and separation represents the death of an original family and it must be grieved. […]
5 Ways To Rekindle Intimacy In Your Relationship
Long-term relationships have a tendency to get dull in the intimacy department. When the monotony of life sets in and the initial honeymoon phase begins to fade, it’s easy for couples to fall into the groove of sexual boredom. Here are some conventional and NOT SO conventional ways to shake things up in your relationship […]
The BioMonster: 3 Ways YOU Created Your High Conflict BioMom
A warning for Stepmoms (and biomoms). Yes Stepmoms, you read that right. The BioMonster (high conflict bio mom) you’re dealing with was created with your help – the Stepmom who chose a life most would run away from. For those of you who haven’t heard of the term “BioMonster,” I’ll define it like this: a […]