Namaste and F*ck You: When Your Man Abandons His Children
Namaste simply means “The divine in me bows to the divine in you.”
“Namaste creates a loop of bliss to pass positive energy unto the one receiving the gesture.”
Heart centers and chakras are said to connect during the divine saying.
“When your mind is fully withdrawn in super-consciousness, it becomes centered in the bliss of
the spine.” “You are then in your ideational, or causal, body. That is the level of the soul.”
Once upon a time, a woman loved a man. She cherished him enough to bless him with two
beautiful babies. Ahhh, how they adored these babies; but, their love for them was not enough
to maintain the devotion that they once had for one another. The couple ultimately decided to go
their separate ways. But, the woman reminded the man that she used to cherish that their
babies would always need both of them and the love that they both shared for them. She
advised him that despite their circumstances, the love that was within them lived within these
little bodies.
The man that she used to cherish became angry and sullen as he watched the woman that he
used to love and their children move away.
Consumed in his anger and sadness he began to quietly rage and the man did not keep his
promises to visit often and seldom returned phone calls to interact with the children that he had
loved so much.
He placed all the blame of his sorrow solely at the feet of the woman that he used to adore. She
was responsible for all the shortcomings, failures, lies, deceit, and negativity that culminated
during their periods of love. He told himself and others that he was an innocent bystander in her
tale of betrayal.
The man that she used to cherish resigned in his heart and his mind to hurt her and the children
that he loved by refusing to help them financially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. He
decided that because he felt the woman that he used to adore had been mean that he no longer
was obligated to his children, not for one little thing.
The woman tried to beg and persuade the man that she used to cherish that no matter how he
felt about her, his children still needed his love. The women was no victim; she played her part
in the relationship’s demise and she tried to bargain with her ex-love to keep him in his
children’s lives. She would let her ex that she had cherished for years stay in her home with
their children and drive her car to accommodate him on the rare visits that he came to see them.
She would pay for airfare for visits for their children to see him and his family. She maintained a
relationship with her former flame’s children so that their children would know their siblings.
The woman that man used to love did this with no help because of her devotion to her babies
and even for the commitment that they had once shared. She put her pride to the side and
apologized for her part in the struggles and demise of their past relationship.
One day, the woman that he used to love got very injured in an accident and the man did come
to visit her and their children. He stayed for several days. The children treasured seeing their
father being kind to their mother but very quickly his anger and bitterness again bubbled within
him. He blamed the woman that he used to love for ruining his life. He turned again away from
the children that he had professed to adore so much.
Broken promises, no financial help for his children, long periods without speaking to them, no
return of texts to the woman that he used to love unless it was to tell her that she was scum.
While healing from her accident, the woman that he used to love decided that there was no
point in reaching for the phone to discuss with the man that she had once cherished about the
things her children were going through. She was no martyr, but she’d really tried to be friendly,
cordial, and understanding to that man because the children that they loved needed a father.
But the woman could not erase time nor quiet the anger and bitterness that brewed within the
man. He was reluctant to co-parent with her, so she decided to simply move forward. The
devotion that she’d once had for this man had lessened with time. She realized that the hurt
inside the man was greater than the love that he seemed to have for his children. Once the
woman that he used to adore realized this fact, she decided to continue to maintain the conduit
for him to have access to his children but she was no longer going to fight for him to keep it
open. The divinity in her would be more than willing to bow to the divinity within him. She
desired to loop bliss and positive energy from herself to the man that she used to cherish so that
energy can be looped back to their children that they both had claimed to love. But the mind has
to be super-conscious in order reach the level of the soul. The women that he used to adore has
said “f*ck it” to him, released the shackles of his emptiness, and looped her chain of positive
energy & bliss directly to her children so that may continue to move forward.
By Community Member Jacqueline Renee
Dr. Jacqueline R. Buckley is a Seattle based Foot and Ankle Surgeon. She is a mother, niece, cousin and friend. Jacqueline is the co-owner of Buckley’s African Imports, a co-collaborator of the relationship forum “Love Jonesing with Jax & Mesha” and the facilitator of “Soul Survivor” support group. Jacqueline is studying Executive Coaching with and an emphasis on Medical Coaching and Consulting. She has also recently added author to her resume with the recent completion of her first novel.