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How I Saved My Marriage

Originally published by Richard Paul Evans My oldest daughter, Jenna, recently said to me, “My greatest fear as a child was that you and mom would get divorced. Then, when I was twelve, I decided that you fought so much that maybe it would be better if you did.” Then she added with a smile. […]
10 Questions To Ask Before Marriage

Marriage is serious business. But with the divorce rate at 50%, it’s smart to do your research before leaping into a situation that was doomed from the start. We all ask surface questions, but here are a few that go deeper. There are a few helpful links below: ➡️10 Questions to Ask: www.blendedandblack.com/10-questions-love/ ➡️For more […]
Can I Divorce My Spouse Who Has Mental Illness

This question raises several issues. The most important one may be the definition of mental illness. It is very normal for divorce to elicit strong feelings, often negative ones—and for these feelings to change from sadness to anger, guilt, or shame. It is often typical for divorcing partners to label each other as “bi-polar” as […]
When Your Spouse Has a Mental Illness

Alma’s speech became stilted, and her eyes brimmed with tears as she shared the moment she knew her marriage was over. It was not a matter of infidelity, immorality, or a lack of love that ended her marriage of three years. In fact, she and her husband deeply loved each other—but his manic episodes had […]
Angry Wife Blasts Cheating Husband’s Mistress on Facebook

By Naja Hall I normally rest up on Saturday mornings, but this tea is far too juicy not to share! I came across this post in my Facebook news feed and I am not sure what’s more interesting, the scorned wife’s note or the comments section! I was thoroughly entertained by both, and from the […]
5 Ways To Rekindle Intimacy In Your Relationship

Long-term relationships have a tendency to get dull in the intimacy department. When the monotony of life sets in and the initial honeymoon phase begins to fade, it’s easy for couples to fall into the groove of sexual boredom. Here are some conventional and NOT SO conventional ways to shake things up in your relationship […]
Why Men Marry Some Women and Not Others

Why Men Marry Some Women And Not Others was written by John T. Molloy , the author of “Dress for Success”. This book is based on over 3,000 interviews conducted by Molloy and his researchers. They interviewed couples coming out of marriage license bureaus! They basically bum rushed these people for information. I recall how excited, anxious, nervous my Husband and I were […]
OG Marriage Advice From My Mom

Happy 40th Anniversary to my parents, Nate and Nancy! I asked my Mom how she kept her marriage spicy for 40 years. She told me the normal cliches like, never go to bed angry and keep God 1st. But then She said some real insider info! 1. Be Creative She explained that there were many […]