#AskDad: Should I Break Off My Engagement?
Dear AskDad,
I’m a single mom and I’ve been dating this man for 3 years. The entire time he has had nothing to do with his own two kids and has shown no interest in wanted to be a partner in raising my son. He says he loves kids but I don’t see it. He recently asked me to marry him, I said yes but now I’m having second thoughts. What do you think?
-Nervous/Single/Newly Engaged
Dear Nervous/Single/Newly Engaged,
That is all. The man clearly is the definition of a deadbeat parent from what you’ve mentioned. Any man who doesn’t take an interest in what the kids of the house are doing especially the kids of a woman he ‘loves’ is no man at all. You and your son are a package and he clearly cannot accept that. I’m amazed that he made it to 3 years of dating. If you marry that man you are setting yourself up to become his next ex. You said you are having second thoughts and you asked my advice, my advice is to follow your gut, give back the ring and leave him alone!