Are you you a Biomom or Stepmom caught up in the toxicity that plagues SO many women in step-families? If so, I have compacted 6 months of intense therapy into a Masterclass just for YOU. My book Girl,Bye!: She’s Not Going Anywhere. Neither Are You shows you exactly how to remove yourself from the drama and reclaim your personal peace. If you’ve tried no contact, playing nice, apologizing and nothing has worked, then you’ve finally found the MOST IMPORTANT tool you’ll need to gaining harmony in your life and in the lives of your family.
Want a free preview? Check out Chapter 5 now. Be forewarned, it’s intense and it may scare some away. If you’re ready for your breakthrough once and for all, class is now in session.
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Blended family advice: Christmas, covid, and conflict
Holidays are stressful enough! Throw in the blended family dynamic and a global pandemic and it can be pure pandemonium. Blended family expert and founder of Blended and Black, Coach Naja shares some tips on how to stay sane during this holiday season.
Can battling infertility cause post traumatic stress disorder?

by Nika Ward Did you know that June is World Infertility Month? If you’re a woman that has experienced infertility, you’re already are aware. Did you know that infertility is a condition that can cause post-traumatic stress disorder? After watching a recent Insecure episode, it really hit me how quiet the infertility community is about […]
White Supremacy is on life support

As a Black kid that grew up right under Tennessee’s Bible belt, there was an assumption that people that looked like me were not God’s chosen people. I was baptized under a beautiful stained-glass image of a White Jesus. Black babydolls were not very plentiful in the 80s, so my first images of beauty were […]