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Our Mission

Blended and Black is dedicated to promoting harmony and balance in mending, broken and blended millennial families.  Our mission is to remove the stigma surrounding Step families while helping members redefine their roles and adjust to their new normal. 

 We are an ALL inclusive platform. ALL are welcome.

Naja Hall, Founder
Family Life Coach

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Blended and Black is dedicated to promoting harmony and balance in mending, broken and blended millennial families.  Our mission is to remove the stigma surrounding Step families while helping members redefine their roles and adjust to their new normal. 

 We are an ALL inclusive platform. ALL are welcome.

Naja Hall, Founder
Certified Family Life Coach

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Why is Blended & Black necessary?

In the US, the divorce rate for 1st marriages has risen to 50%. The divorce rate for 2nd marriages is 67%. The relationships that produce children leave parent’s with the dilemma of each contributing to their child’s welfare while being in separate households. A #Blended Family is born but unfortunately, most Blended families never truly blend. Also 4 out of 10 children are born to unwed mothers. More and more parents have the task of raising their children in different households. These rising dynamics are making the #Nuclear Family the exception and not the rule. Blended is the new Black!

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The Blended and Black Facebook group was created to be a microcosm for your actual family. Many times when a family is in the blending process, tensions may arise and communication becomes difficult. Members are able to post using their Facebook profiles or submit anonymously in order to gain perspective from other members on their situations. The community welcomes anyone that is in a Blended family or that would like to learn more about the dynamic of blended families. Blended and Black is a solution-based community that promotes positive vibes, friendship and support. Join now!

What people are saying about B&B Testimonials

No one ever starts a family anticipating that it will split. Sometimes it is necessary though. As a divorced Dad, making the transition to a “new normal” was difficult. Naja has been my rock. Naja is not only my Wife, but she’s been a graceful presence while bonding with my kids. She has made herself a constant student on the subject of Blended families. She has an endless supply of empathy, patience and forgiveness. I am blessed to have my very own “Blended family guru!” — Tony Hall

My own personal Blending guru

No one ever starts a family anticipating that it will split. Sometimes it is necessary though. As a divorced Dad, making the transition to a “new normal” was difficult. Naja has been my rock. Naja is not only my Wife, but she’s been a graceful presence while bonding with my kids. She has made herself a constant student on the subject of Blended families. She has an endless supply of empathy, patience and forgiveness. I am blessed to have my very own “Blended family guru!”
— Tony Hall
BB is for everyone! I’m a White, Stepmom with no experience in dealing with a high conflict ex. I come to this forum for support, guidance and reassurance. My relationship with my Husband is better because of the support I’ve found in BB. The world would be an infinitely better place if there were more women like Naja in it — Taylor M.

I feel at home with my B&B family

BB is for everyone! I’m a White, Stepmom with no experience in dealing with a high conflict ex. I come to this forum for support, guidance and reassurance. My relationship with my Husband is better because of the support I’ve found in BB. The world would be an infinitely better place if there were more women like Naja in it
— Taylor M.
I have been a part of many Blended family forums, but Naja is by far the most passionate about the subject. She has more love and knowledge and the only explanation is that she has been given a true gift.— Steph W.

Naja has been given a true gift

I have been a part of many Blended family forums, but Naja is by far the most passionate about the subject. She has more love and knowledge and the only explanation is that she has been given a true gift.— Steph W.

Check out EVEN MORE of the unbelievably wonderful experiences people are having with Blended and Black!