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Event Schedule

torrei hart

keynote speaker




10a-6p     Registration & Check-in

11:00a     Welcome & introduction by founder-Naja Hall

11:30- 12:15   

Panel Discussion, BioMom vs Stepmom

It’s a rare occurrence when a biological parent and a stepparent can sit down to a calm, rational discussion regarding important family matters. But that exact thing will happen at #BBCON, and our panelists will address many of the concerns common to almost all blended families. You won’t want to miss this VITAL discussion! We have linked a set of very opinionated and experienced Biological Parents and Stepparents. Before our audience, they will air out common grievances amongst their peer group and highlight problem areas that can be mended.


Blended family Short Story

Actors portray real-life blended family scenarios that emotionally draw audience and challenge them to see things from the perspective of others in their own family. Focus on parental alienation


Breakout Session Classroom A– Stepmoms Only

There are so many issues unique to stepmoms in blended families. Torn loyalties, disruptive stepchildren, biological kids who feel neglected; if you don’t have support it’s easy to become overwhelmed. A major cause of divorce among blended families is the rejection and difficulties faced by the stepmother. At #BBCON, you’ll have a chance to speak in a private group forum to help you begin to cope with the problems you’re facing at home

Breakout Session Classroom B– Single Moms Power Hour

#BBCON 2017 acknowledges the influence and contributions of single mothers in our communities and a large part of our event this year addresses their needs. Attend our Single Mom’s Power Hour this year and learn about how to explain to your children why dad isn’t in your life, staying cordial with your ex for the sake of the children, scheduling events for yourself and the kids and how to make time to care for your own needs. Single motherhood needn’t be so very stressful. We have resources, information and counseling services all lined up for you. Please don’t miss this event!

Breakout Session Classroom C– Divorced, separated and unmarried Dads! Know Your Rights!

So often it seems that courts side with the mother in issues regarding legal separation. But times are changing and fathers now have more rights than at any time previously. It’s up to you however, to become aware of your rights and ensure that you are properly represented in all legal matters. You’ll receive a lot of beneficial information from fathers that have fought the system and won and the attorneys that support them.

2-3:00    VIP Luncheon and meet and greet

                 All other attendees Lunch Break


Entertainment- Local Facebook sensations, LaToya Tenille and Poundcake will make us laugh with their hilarious accounts of blended family humor


Panel Discussion- High Conflict Coparenting and the effect it has on your child- Adult Stepchildren share their experiences

The reason we are in blended families is because we are raising children in two separate households. Often, while dealing with ex-spouses, high conflict coparenting, child support and legal issues, we overlook the ones MOST affected by our issues, our children. They are closely watching our behaviors and silently suffering We have assembled an outspoken young adults and adults that were raised in single parent homes and in two separate households. It


Blended family Short Story

Actors portray real-life blended family scenarios that emotionally draw audience and challenge them to see things from the perspective of others in their own family. Focus on mental illness

5:30-6:30     Keynote address

Our Keynote speaker will discuss their experiences, how they healed from the pain and how they cope with the day-to-day of blended family life.

7pm       Closing Remarks


9am       In Southern Family tradition, attendees are encouraged to invite all of their family members for a Sunday morning worship service. We will pray  and rejoice together and hear a final closing word from Bishop Ed Stevens of Golden Gate Cathedral.




This is a 1 day conference dedicated to promoting harmony and balance in millennial broken, mending and blended Families. 

Featured Speakers

Event Schedule

Tavis wade-jones Phd

Philanthropist, Coach 

Donec eget gravida libero, id volutpat nunc. In venenatis metus quis libero mattis, nec ullamcorper arcu ullamcorper. Integer sagittis erat lacus, a porttitor dolor commodo in

Event Schedule


Father’s Rights Advocate, Former NFL Athlete

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec eget gravida libero, id volutpat nunc.

Event Schedule

Bishop Ed Stephens Jr.

Head Pastor, Golden Gate Cathedral

Vid volutpat nunc. In venenatis metus quis libero mattis, nec ullamcorper arcu ullamcorper. Integer sagittis erat lacus.

Event Schedule

Merissa Grayson

Family Law Attorney

A porttitor dolor commodo in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec eget gravida libero, id volutpat nunc. In venenatis metus quis libero mattis.

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Demario Hollowell


Donec eget gravida libero, id volutpat nunc. In venenatis metus quis libero mattis, nec ullamcorper arcu ullamcorper. Integer sagittis erat lacus, a porttitor dolor commodo in

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Jennifer Pink

Single Mom Sage, Speaker, Author

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec eget gravida libero, id volutpat nunc.

Event Schedule

Jerry Q. Parries

Author, Blended Family Matters

Vid volutpat nunc. In venenatis metus quis libero mattis, nec ullamcorper arcu ullamcorper. Integer sagittis erat lacus.

Event Schedule

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A porttitor dolor commodo in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec eget gravida libero, id volutpat nunc. In venenatis metus quis libero mattis.