because the world could use a little more love
5 Days of Love Recap!
DAY 1 Today marks the beginning of something special. My prayer is that you make an intentional effort to leave yesterday where it belongs. In the past! I want you to declare that whatever grievances, pain, and hurt that you have carried along your way, you will LET IT GO. Today, you are a new being and you will exude a LOVE so bright that everyone in your path will be positively infected and affected by your God glow! Spread love!
By now the monotony of what’s to come has set into place in your life- BUT this is the perfect time to execute and implement! Don’t allow yourself to get so caught up in doing your job for others that you forget about your OWN personal goals! Write down 3 things that you have been putting off. Then write down Step 1 of how you’re going to attack each goal! If you want to share, please reply to this message so I can help you out!
The middle of the week is called HUMP DAY. We’re twice removed from Monday and we can see Friday just ahead! Imagine a week where we did not have to count down to our freedom. What if you could feel free always! You probably lose track of time while you’re on vacation, huh? Me too!
These moments that you’re experiencing at THIS very second are precious moments in your life and once they pass, that’s it. TODAY, I want you to focus on being PRESENT. It’s up to you to seize the moment and make it beautiful. When you find yourself being anxious about tomorrow, stop and look around. Find one thing to smile about, a memory, a funny co-worker, perhaps. If you can be grateful in THIS moment, you’ve already won!
What do you DECLARE? It’s Thursday and we only have one more day left in our 5 days of Love! I have gotten some wonderful responses from many of you and I am finding that these quick loves notes have made you feel awesome! Thank you!
Today, I’ll be quick! I want you to think about other popular declarations. There is a Declaration of Independence. We have watched leaders Declare War! BUT WHAT HAVE YOU DECLARED?
Today, I want you to write down (and send it to me, you know the drill) something that you want to make happen in your life? It should be something so big that it gives you goosebumps. It should be something that you’ve always wanted to do. It should be something that excites you!
Last month, I declared that I was going to become a published author! I’ve been a writer for 10 years, but somehow life always took me off track and I just never got it done. 30 days ago, I called a girlfriend that’s a publisher, told her of my vision and she gave me an awesome pep talk. After our conversation, I went to look at my journals and notes and I realized that I already had 70% of the book done! I organized it and my friend edited it and my 1st book will be done soon! ALL BECAUSE I MADE A DECLARATION!
So again, I ask….what do you declare!?!?
Wow! I’ve received some HUGE declarations! I’ve heard from other authors, entrepreneurs and even a member of #TheFam that wants to purchase an abandoned retail mall and turn it into a charter school! We are truly a community of visionaries!!!
Yesterday, I mentioned my own personal declaration and many asked for more details. If you want to know more about my book (especially if you’re a Mom or Stepmom) and my process, goHERE.
I’ll leave you with this Love Note: No matter how dim the light at the end of the tunnel appears, remember, whether the wind pushes you toward it or you walk willingly, you WILL reach the destination. Pace yourself, stop and smell the roses and don’t look back.