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Our Mission

Blended and Black is dedicated to promoting harmony and balance in mending, broken and blended millennial families.  Our mission is to remove the stigma surrounding Step families while helping members redefine their roles and adjust to their new normal. 

 We are an ALL inclusive platform. ALL are welcome.

Naja Hall, Founder
Family Life Coach

front page may 28
front page may 28

Blended and Black is dedicated to promoting harmony and balance in mending, broken and blended millennial families.  Our mission is to remove the stigma surrounding Step families while helping members redefine their roles and adjust to their new normal. 

 We are an ALL inclusive platform. ALL are welcome.

FOUNDER, Naja Hall

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Why is Blended and Black necessary?

In the US, the divorce rate for 1st marriages has risen to 50%. The divorce rate for 2nd marriages is 67%. The relationships that produce children leave parent’s with the dilemma of each contributing to their child’s welfare while being in separate households. A #Blended Family is born but unfortunately, most Blended families never truly blend. Also 4 out of 10 children are born to unwed mothers. More and more parents have the task of raising their children in different households. These rising dynamics may make the #Nuclear Family the exception and not the rule. We are Blended and Black!


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Often times when we forgive a person we allow them to hold the same position in our lives that they once had before they hurt us. This leaves room for the wrong type of people to only hurt us again. If you find yourself becoming a constant victim of the same person, realize that you cannot change them, but you can change how you deal with them. Today’s quick tip: People do not OWN a space in your life. They must earn it through time, trust, loyalty and on-going kindness. It’s totally ok to reclaim your space!
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