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Here are your free downloads

Coparenting Custody Journal

Written by Family Law Attorney, Merrissa V. Grayson. This 109-page journal serves as a record-keeping book for co-parents.

Model Parenting Plan and Calendar

Raising children presents challenges for all parents. When parents live in separate homes the challenges are greater because relationships become more complicated. Sometimes parents disagree about how much time children should spend with each of them. The following information will help parents reach agreements about parenting time (access) with their children.

A study on the income disparity: Why Black men can't catch up

Racial disparities are among the most visible and persistent features of American society. For example, in 2016, the median household income of black Americans was $39,500, compared with $65,000 for non-Hispanic white Americans. The sources of these disparities have been heavily studied and debated, with proposed explanations ranging from residential segregation and discrimination to differences in family structure and even genetics

Factors that determine Stepmom Success & Failure

I found online a comprehensive survey of sociological and psychological studies involving stepmothers. It laid out the conditions (rare) under which a woman was more likely to experience stepmothering as positive, and the circumstances (common) that lead to negative stepmothering experiences. One of the conclusions the author draws at the end of the survey is that “the stepmother would probably feel less disheartened if she accepted from the outset that the kind of relationship she develops with her husband’s children is usually going to depend largely on factors beyond her control.”

The Millennial Success Sequence

The rise of nontraditional routes into parenthood among Millennials is one indicator that today’s young adults are taking increasingly divergent paths toward adulthood, including family formation. In fact, when it comes to family formation, overall only 40% of young adults ages 28 to 34 have moved into family life by marrying first (regardless of whether they have had any children). These divergent paths toward adulthood are associated with markedly different economic fortunes among Millennials. Young adults who put marriage first are more likely to find themselves in the middle or upper third of the income distribution, compared to their peers who have not formed a family and especially compared to their peers who have children before marrying.

Healing Hearts: Regaining a Sense of Family After Family Transitions

This is a comprehensive seminar from The National Family Resiliency Center. Family transitions are difficult times for parents and children. There are many emotions involved in adjusting to a major family change and many decisions to be made. Life goes on for all family members and we believe that you as parents can pave the way for healthy growth and adjustment for yourselves and your children. We believe that the information in these seminars, combined with your love and caring, can have a positive impact on your relationship with your child and your child’s other parent.

Why Men Marry Some Women and Not Others

This book is based on over 3,000 interviews conducted by Molloy and his researchers. They interviewed couples coming out of marriage license bureaus! They basically bum rushed these people for information. I recall how excited, anxious, nervous my Husband and I were as we left the Bureau. We would have gladly given honest and transparent feedback to a researcher. They also used a control group. The results reflect the statistical tendencies of marriage. Many of the lessons are common sense, but what sets this book apart is its specificity and the statistical backup for its assertions. Numbers don’t lie, right?

Raising Your Child Together: A Guide for Unmarried Parents

In this guide, we share some of the keys to successful relationships. This guide can help you learn to raise your child as a team—whether you plan to stay together, or not. If marriage is a goal, this guide will help you prepare for marriage. A good relationship between you and your partner is important to your child…and it’s not rocket science. Most anyone can learn relationship skills, and reading this guide is the first step.

Girlhood Interrupted:The Erasure of Black Girls' Childhood

This groundbreaking study by the Georgetown Law Center on Poverty and Inequality provides—for the first time— data showing that adults view Black girls as less innocent and more adult-like than their white peers, especially in the age range of 5–14.

Where and How to meet the Best Potential Husband

With statistics and research on marriage, divorce and blended families readily available, it is possible for a woman to position herself in such a way that she is around the best potential martial candidates. The primary focus of this review is to present marriage-minded women with supported evidence that will allow them to select better mates and enter marriages that may not end in divorce. The results came from a compilation of studies performed during 2012-2017. This assessment is in response to Why Men Marry Some Women and Not Others by John T. Molloy.

Parenting Plan Worksheet

Some states require a parenting plan, while others don’t. Even if the courts don’t expect you to file a legally-binding parenting plan, consider working with your ex to develop a set of written guidelines and expectations for raising your kids together. After all, coparenting is much like being business partners, and you’d never run a business with someone you didn’t communicate with. Download this basic parenting plan and customize it to fit the needs of your family.

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Do you need some real help? Book a one-on-one Family Coaching session with me. Check out the options HERE.

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