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Allow me to introduce myself

I’m Naja Hall, Family Life Coach, founder of Blended and Black and most importantly, I have overcome the hardships of stepfamily life. I am here to show you that you can take back your personal peace and survive and thrive amidst divorce, remarriage, separation, death, coparenting and stepparenting.  I specialize in the blended family dynamic, conflict resolution and childhood trauma.

When I realized the need for a solution-based safe space, I built it. In under two years, B & B has become a full-fledged community. We provide daily content, which includes a podcast, Blended and Black TV, blogs, free counseling, courses and Family Coaching. Blended and Black is dedicated to promoting harmony and balance in mending broken and blended millennial families.  Our mission is to remove the stigma surrounding Step families while helping members redefine their roles and adjust to their new normal. Thanks for downloading The 10 Commandments. You are well on your way to peace.

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The Girl, Bye! workbook experience is NOT a kiss & makeup course. The Girl, Bye workbook experience is for women that are essentially thrown together because there’s a guy that they BOTH either love or loved in the mix. Add kids to the equation and all hell can break loose. On top of that, they are reluctantly paired by a familial bond that neither of them have the tools nor the energy to navigate.  Millions of Moms and Stepmoms are caught up in the toxic tango of hurt and confusion that often surrounds families that are blending. Girl, Bye! is a 10 day Master Class full of case studies, best practices and daily challenges that will push these ladies to leave the drama on the dance floor.

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What Do You Get?

When you buy the Girl, Bye! Bundle, you get:

1. The Girl,Bye! Workbook via mail (shipping included) or an instant download

2. Lifetime access to the (12) High Intensity Video Tutorials stored on our database

3. Exclusive membership to the Private Girl,Bye! Facebook Group


If you’re a member of the Blended and Black community, then you already know that we are a highly interactive, solution-based bunch. Come on in, meet new people, discuss the High Intensity Video Tutorials or get some help with your own personal journey! Group therapy anyone?

The old-fashioned pen and paper style of learning is available but there is also a digital version of the workbook. Jotting down responses will not only challenge you, but you will be able to use the workbook as a journal and refer to it down the line. While you are completing the daily lessons, it is recommended that you watch the video tutorials. It’s like having me as your personal Coach as you go through the Girl, Bye! experience. 

The video lessons are stored on our database. You will be given lifetime access upon purchase. Girl, Bye! is an experience. Ultimately you get a renewed outlook on your circumstance, a profound sense of peace and years of therapy compiled into a 10 day intensive!

You will not leave the same way you came!


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