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Heal Yourself and Your Family
Heal Yourself and Your Family

Are you a StepParent or a CoParent in a drama-filled situation?

Are you a frustrated Single Mom, a stepped-on Stepmom, a disgruntled Dad or an overlooked Stepdad? Perhaps you are the adult stepchild that is still feeling the effects of the childhood trauma you experienced because of your parents’ absence, divorce, separation, remarriage or death.

I want you to know that you no longer simply must cope with your situation. You don’t have to suffer silently anymore. You cannot spend your entire life wondering if you’ve made a mistake. The feelings of defeat and inadequacy STOP today. Download The 10 Commandments for CoParents and Steparents and begin your journey towards healing.

CoParents & StepParents free download

[themify_icon link=”http://” icon=”fa-check-square-o”]Is your coparenting or steparenting situation causing you to lose sleep?

[themify_icon link=”http://” icon=”fa-check-square-o”]Is the drama too much to deal with?

[themify_icon link=”http://” icon=”fa-check-square-o”]Are you considering throwing in the towel?

[themify_icon link=”http://” icon=”fa-check-square-o”]Do you think your family will never have peace?

[themify_icon link=”http://” icon=”fa-check-square-o”]Why didn’t anyone tell you it would be like this?


Download the free toolkit now

I’m Naja Hall, the founder of Blended and Black. I am a Family Life Coach, an author and just like you I have experienced the hardships of being in a blended Family. I know 1st hand, both personally and professionally what you are going through and I am here to help you successfully navigate your way to back to personal peace. We are a solution-based community dedicated to promoting harmony and balance in mending, broken and blended millennial families.  My mission is to remove the stigma surrounding Step families while helping members redefine their roles and adjust to their new normal. 

Naja Hall
Founder of Blended and Black