Use These Apps to Communicate With Your Co-Parent
When it comes to divorce, technology often gets a bad rap. Many people cite phone addictions and their partners social media usage as contributing factors to their relationship breakdown. Yet not all technology is bad. These co-parenting apps show just how beneficial tech can be. Divorce is hard enough – let your phone do some work. Here are 4 co-parenting apps you’ll want to download now.
This app promises to make the complicated easy, by creating a platform for divorced parents to communicate about their children without ever having to meet face-to-face. This is especially beneficial in high conflict situations, where communication is no longer amicable. Our Family Wizard is currently being used by Family Court systems in the USA and Canada as a documentation system.
Cost: Membership fee of $130 per parent each year.
Cool Features: The app includes a shared calendar that automatically syncs to each user’s account. A message board is available for keeping communication lines clear and sharing important updates. With this feature, you can also opt to add-on the ToneMeter, which is essentially spell check for your emotions. It flags emotionally charged words and ask the user if they’d like to change the tone of their message. Our Family Wizard creates a safe and productive environment for all its users. Additionally, the InfoBank and Expense Log allow users to keep important files in one secure place that can be accessed by both parents.
SupportPay promises to decrease arguments about the cost of childcare between divorced co-parents. The app provides a record of all payments associated with child support, including extracurricular activities, medical costs and daycare. This eliminates the need for parents to communicate about finances, as the document automatically calculates and updates payments. This is especially useful when one parent is financially responsible for childcare costs, and disputes arise from the other parent regarding undisclosed financial charges. Any contentions can be entered into the app and reviewed by a third party, keeping disagreements about money away from the children.
Cost: Free.
Cool Features: SupportPay allows you to upload receipts and split each payment by any division. You’re able to send and receive money directly using your bank, or PayPal account on a guaranteed secure platform. Cash payments can also be recorded and tracked. Best is, the full cost of childcare is easily accessible in one location. Each parent knows exactly where their money is going and how it’s benefitting their children.
SquareHub is designed to be a closed social media platform. This means only you and your approved family members can see what’s posted. The app helps divorced co-parents stay up-to-date with their children, and organizes everyones lives in one easily accessible place. The app combines the functional tools of Our Family Wizard, with a more social and interactive approach.
Cost: Free
Cool Features: The app allows you to organize your entire family on one platform. You can sync your calendars, create to-do lists and post messages. You can also send private messages to anyone in the group without the others knowing. The check-in feature gives children the ability to share their current location for a set amount of time. What makes this app unique are its photo album and memory box. These programs allow family members to share important parts of their lives and make everyone feel included in their daily activities.
Talking Parents keeps a complete record of communications between parents. They maintain the record as an independent third party, making sure parents cannot delete or alter anything they have said. In addition to what is said, they also keep track of exactly when each communication is made, when each parent signs in or out, and even when each parent actually views a new communication.
Cost: $3.99 for pdf file or $19.99 + $0.19 per page
Have you ever used an app that makes co-parenting easier? We’d love to hear your recommendations.
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